Want to manage your Exchange 2007 organization from the ground up? This training offers you the details on how to make it happen.
Peter Bruzzese covers the transition from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007, including the period when both systems are running. He tells you exactly what to do as you move things over to your new structure, and then, how to operate this great messaging server day-in and day-out.
Transport Rules. Peter focuses heavily on one of Exchange 2007's coolest features: Transport Rules. Because all messaging goes through the Hub Transport servers, Transport Rules allow you to apply rules to messages in transit.
PowerShell. The PowerShell command-line interface is another great feature of Exchange 2007 and is prominently featured on the certification exam. Peter's training transforms you into a PowerShell expert.
Throughout this series, Peter also highlights how Exchange interacts with other servers and services, such as ISA Server, MOM, ForeFront and more. He covers the real issues you'll face as you deploy your Exchange 2007 installation, whether from a previous version of Exchange or another messaging system.
Every IT administrator looking to deploy Exchange in their real-world environment will benefit from this video series. Peter's training prepares you for Microsoft's 70-238 exam, while giving you the skills you need to deploy Exchange in your own real-world environment.
Passing this exam tells employers that you've got the ultimate level of knowledge in Exchange 2007 deployment.
The Exam-Pack 70-238: Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 video series contains:
70-238 Introduction
70-238 Requirements and Skills
Planning Exchange 2007 Upgrade Implementation (free video!)
Transitioning Co-Existence
Finalizing Your Transition
Migrating to Exchange 2007
Hosted Exchange Solutions
Planning for High Availability Implementation
Planning a Backup/Recovery Solution (Part 1)
Planning a Backup/Recovery Solution (Part 2)
Storage Group Deployment
Server Role Deployment
Managed Content Settings and ActiveSync Policies
Additional Servers to Deploy with Exchange 2007
Planning AntiSpam and AntiVirus Implementation
Plan Transport Rule Implementation
Planning Network Security
Exchange Infrastructure Improvements
Plan for Configuration Changes
Plan for Patch and Service Pack Implementation
Plan for Testing, Monitoring and Reporting
Here's what you'll learn in each video of the Exam-Pack 70-238: Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
Video 1 - "Introduction to Exchange 2007" - This nugget explains how Exchange and Active Directory work together and lays the foundation for future nuggets that discuss preparation and installation of Exchange 2007. There is a discussion of Exchange Clients that can be used in Exchange 2007. It also explains the 5 new Server Roles: Mailbox Role, Client Access Server, Hub Transport Server, Edge Transport Server and Unified Messaging Server.
Video 2 - "Preparing and Installing Exchange 2007" - This nugget discusses the preparation needed within your AD infrastructure, including information about your Schema preparation (preparation switches), permissions that need to be given to the correct individuals and so forth. For the official installation we discuss the hardware and software requirements to install Exchange 2007 on a particular server. And we walk through a stand-alone installation of Exchange 2007.
Video 3 - "Managing Storage Groups and Databases" - This nugget focuses on the Mailbox Server role, providing an overview of storage architecture (including Storage Groups and Databases) using the Exchange Management Console and Exchange Management Shell.
Video 4 - "Configure Public Folders" - Discusses the use of Public Folders in an Exchange 2007 environment. Covers the steps to adding new folders through Outlook or the Exchange Management Shell, and explains how replicas are established for increased availability to your users of the public folder structure as well as a greater level of fault tolerance.
Video 5 - "Managing Recipient Objects: Mailboxes" - This nugget discusses the many types of recipient objects that exist (mailbox users, mail-enabled groups, resource mailboxes, mail contacts, linked mailboxes and so forth). The main focus in this nugget is the creation, configuration and management of the Mailbox recipient object. Moving mailboxes is also covered in this nugget.
Video 6 - "Managing More Recipient Objects" - This nugget continues the theme of recipient object configuration and management with instructions on how to work with mail-enabled accounts, resource mailboxes (such as conference rooms and shared equipment) for the purpose of scheduling meeting requests, distribution groups and linked mailboxes.
Video 7 - "E-mail Policies, Accepted Domains and Address Lists" - This nugget addresses further Mailbox Server Role configuring by ensuring that you can establish e-mail policies for your organization. A discussion of accepted domains explains more complicated layouts for your Exchange organization, including authoritative domains and relay domains with multiple SMTP addresses. Finally, we discuss the Global Address List (GAL) and the creation of additional address lists for your organization.
Video 8 - "Configuring Your Client Access Server (CAS)" - In this nugget we discuss the Client Access Server (CAS) role in greater detail. We explain the configuration of Outlook Web Access for users who need to access their mailboxes through a browser, and ActiveSync for users with appropriate mobile devices. We discuss both server-side configuration and client-side connectivity.
Video 9 - "Outlook Anywhere and POP/IMAP Configuration" - This nugget is the follow-up to the "Configuring Your Client Access Server" nugget. It's purpose is to walk through the server-side configuration for Outlook Anywhere and POP/IMAP. It also explains the client connectivity configuration that is necessary. The nugget also discusses the various CAS services such as Autodiscover, the Offline Address Book (OAB) and the Availability Service.
Video 10 - "Configuring Disaster Recovery" - This nugget explains backup methodology and provides information on how to configure backups, recover messaging data, and recover server roles. There is also an important discussion regarding Recovery Storage Groups.
Video 11 - "Configure High Availability" - This nugget explains the purpose of High Availability for your Exchange environment and reviews possible high availability scenarios for your Exchange mailbox server. The discussion includes an overview and demonstration of Local Continuous Replication (LCR) and Cluster Continuous Replication (CCR) with a review of Single Copy Clusters (SCC).
Video 12 - "Understanding Message Transport" - This nugget describes the purpose of a Hub Transport Server and reviews the transport pipeline so that you can understand what is happening on your Exchange Servers behind the scenes when a message is sent within the organization and to persons outside of the organization. The nugget also explains the function of Send/Receive SMTP Connectors and AD Site Connections to ensure mail is flowing in the direction you want it to.
Video 13 - "Troubleshoot Message Transport" - This nugget reviews the use of the Mail Flow Tools, found in our Toolbox through the Exchange Management Console. These tools can be used for monitoring and troubleshooting and they include the following: Mail Flow Troubleshooter, Message Tracking (which helps you perform message tracking) and Queue Viewer (to monitor mail queues). The nugget concludes with protocol logging for your SMTP Send/Receive connectors.
Video 14 - "Configuring Your Edge Transport Role" - In this nugget we discuss the purpose of an Edge Transport server and explain the need to place this role on a stand-alone server at your network perimeter using ADAM for a directory database as opposed to Active Directory. We set up the connection between our Hub Transport and Edge Transport Servers through the EdgeSync process that involves exporting the configuration from the Edge Transport Server and important it onto the Hub Transport Server. We also explained the need to secure the Edge Transport Server while still allowing necessary ports to be open for communication to take place. We reviewed the use of the Security Configuration Wizard (SCW) to establish both the security and opening of needed ports.
Video 15 - "Finalizing Edge Transport" - In this nugget we finalized the configuration of our Edge Transport Server by creating a postmaster mailbox, configuring our DNS (both public and private configuration was discussed and demonstrated) and reviewed briefly anti-spam/anti-virus needs, connectors, transport rules, accepted domains, and... the pièce de résistance... address re-writing.
Video 16 - "Configuring Anti-Spam:" - The anti-spam system includes a very intense process of filtering that we discuss step-by-step in this nugget. We review the configuration of all of the settings within the system on our Edge Transport Server. Then we review the possibility of establishing these same settings on our Hub Transport Server.
Video 17 - "Analyze and Monitor Exchange 2007" - In this nugget we look into all the best monitoring and reporting tools in Exchange 2007. This include, of course, the Exchange Best Practices Analyzer, Disaster Recovery Tools (as well as the command-line tools ESEUTIL and ISINTEG), Performance Monitor and Troubleshooter, and the Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM).
Video 18 - "A Look At Unified Messaging" - Although not an exam topic, per se, we completed our understanding of all 5 server roles with this discussion on Unified Messaging. We reviewed all of the necessary hardware requirements and telephony requirements to get UM up and running within your organization. Then we discussed the configuration of both the UM server and the UM clients.
Video 19 - "Troubleshooting Your Exchange Environment" - This nugget establishes basic troubleshooting procedure for Exchange-related issues that may arise using Diagnostic Logging, the Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant and the Exchange Management Shell, including some key PowerShell cmdlets (like Test-) that will help you keep your Exchange environment up and running, as well as, help you on the exam.
Video 20 - "PowerShell, From 0 to 60" - A great deal of the exam revolves around your knowledge of PowerShell. But not just the commands. It also covers navigation, pipelining, scripts and other concepts that revolve around the new command-line interface (CLI) from Microsoft. We need to become experts in PowerShell if we plan on passing this exam. This nugget will help you build upon what you already know, by ensuring that your foundation is solid.
Video 21 - "Exam Prep" - This nugget is a full review of all exam oriented materials to assist the viewer in preparing further for the 70-236 Exchange Server 2007 Configuring exam.