This tool can be used to fix most problems in which your normal background is not displayed. Usually in the backgrounds place there is another image or website which has hijacked the desktop. This form of hijacking involves reconfiguring your desktop to display something other than your default configuration.
You can use Desktop Hijack fix to restore default settings for Active Desktop and remove any changes that had been made to the desktop background. It can also be used to backup your current desktop configuration to be restored later if you choose to not restore default settings. Integrated policy scanning feature allows you to remove detected policy restrictions which can prevent you from accessing features of your computer.
During running operation this tool has been designed to alert you if your desktop settings have been hijacked based off your previous configuration. Tool will also notify of policy restrictions that may have been enabled by malware.
What's New in version 1.3:
Added more policy removal features, added trace detection and removal, improved desktop hijack detection and removal.
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have a nice day......