File Extension 7z

So many types of file extensions on our computers. This is because each program contains more than one kind of file. And this correspondence between a file extension with the application. Finally all of them collect into one and stored in the windows registry.

One of the file extensions is File Extension 7z. This type of extension file is text file category and Mail Message file type. File extension 7z created by a Microsoft e-mail program, such as Outlook or Outlook Express; compatible with other programs that use Microsoft’s Messaging Applications Programming Interface (MAPI).

Have you ever met problem experience with file extension 7z? For the example is when MS.Outlook can not be accessed because there is a problem in the File Extension 7z. For this, I have the solution.

In general, when windows can not open a file extension, whatever those file, there is a problem with the windows registry. For this problem, try the software Driver Detective from Here we could do free scan and make repairs when they have an abnormal condition with the registry in our computer.
