How to Use "File Extension META"

The file File Extension META stands for the "raster graphics" (rectangular pixel holds color) image format. CompuServe also developed a black-and-white file extension .xpm at the same time. Unisys has since purchased the patents, trademarks and rights to the .gif file extension.

The file extension .meta is a popular Internet graphics format with many advantages. It is especially good for reducing file sizes without compromising quality - the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) "lossless" data compression maintains image clarity. These image files can then be transmitted more rapidly on the WWW.

Have you ever met problem experience with File Extension META? For the example is when MS.Outlook can not be accessed because there is a problem in the File Extension META. For this, I have the solution.

In general, when windows can not open a file extension, whatever those file, there is a problem with the windows registry. For this problem, try the software from File Extension META Here we could do free scan and make repairs when they have an abnormal condition with the registry in our computer.
